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Eden Detail

Jette  Loona  Hermanis & Johhan  Rosenberg

premier @Kanuti Gildi Saal 01.02.2021

Choreography, concept and dramaturgy: Jette Loona Hermanis, Johhan Rosenberg

Performers: Johhan Rosenberg, Jette Loona Hermanis, Eden Olev, Anne Türnpu / Andoni Zamora Txakartegi

Light design, technical solutions: Henry Kasch, Sasha Mirson

Mix: Matīss Rucko, Johhan Rosenberg and Jette.Loona Hermanis + Live-soundscape: Henry Kasch

Set design and decorations: Matīss Rucko

Costume artist: Angela Pilliroog

Grimm artist: Martina Gofman

Assistent of grimm artist: Kerli Soans

Advise and support: Maike Lond, Maarja Tõnisson

Project managers: Eneli Järs, Maarja Kalmre

Booklet design + illustartions: Johanna Ruukholm

Co-producer: Kanuti Gildi SAAL

Supported by: Cultural Endowment of Estonia

Duration: 100'

Kärbitud loodus, kopitanud tantsusammud, marineerima jäänud lootus ja kuivale jäänud kannud. Mokad pakkus, sõnavägi tühi. Läks metsavana kuube silmad pahupidi. Jalatallad veritsevad, pastlad näkku panevad. Lõgisevad sitaseened sandilaulu halavad. Titt on metsast välja saanud, nahk kõdu-sõge. Kadunud ta kõri ja taignaks taotud tõde. Söeks põlend silmad ja ära vettind küür - ta rindade vahel auk on löödud viimsel volbriööl. Hüpper-samet lageraiul, hingevits, mis vaikust kööb. Tasakesi kraaksatades, tahmaid triipe kivvi lööb. Too rotipesa kolle, mis lõhkudes end ehib ja laastades loob - see jäärapäiselt oma kampsunit koob. Veritsevad linnud, me vaarikamoos. Tuhakeerises rämmati ses igaveses loos.

“Eden Detail” is a performative fable, which melts the aged with the catastrophic following. Through the forest ghosts, witches and chants everything becomes converted to nowadays rust. Our good-old Linda was born with tattoos on her flesh. And Kalev who’s a flasher is looping with eggs. Moths on high-heels stomping the wheat as mushroom trips make the slavering beat.

“Eden Detail” carries the archeology of the subconsciousness, decayed dances, corporeal conversions and intimate infatuation with nature. Flora and fauna as the nervous system of Eden’s mycelium. It carries the knowledge of rural traditions for the time-lapsed forever transforming characters. Materials become the main agent to transcend and save new details into our wicked soil. Real or not real, the environment is the root for us to appear, re-appear to disappear. Acknowledging shame as euphoria, we are the junk inside our own trash - Intertwining the indigenous identity and mythological worldview towards the global colonial discourses.

i want my

fu**ing fungi!

hallo, kas ma saaksin günekoloogi juurde aja.. ahah, aitäh!



Keru Not Ever - Limite I

Hyph11e - Flashes


Premiere: Ytem - Malakoff Zoo (Mercy Jitter)

Osheyack - Tertiary

Torus - Descend In Chains

Two Heavens - Mordecai

Keru Not Ever - Epoch

Nick James Scavo - Placentnihil

Ange Halliwell - Autumn Day

Larme diamant instrumental

Where you go

SARAH BADR - FRKTL - Crash Blossoms

Virmalised - Naer

Hexagon Brozart - Mascot

Enchanted lands - The Groke ft. Loto Retina

Meine Nacht - Obsquies - Chrysalide (ssaliva remix)

Moa Pillar - Drifting

Morten HD - Gigi D’Agostino - L’Amour Toujours (Morten HD edit)

Gigi D’Agostino - L’Amour Toujours (Coverboy - HTLN by Heaven’s Trumpet)

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