Maardu Dekennaal, 2022
Pindluu põleb ja aeg külmutas nende küüned. Psalmide kaja hõõgab himust ja nunna moshpit rögatab vilus. Nad sisenesid tsemendist basseini kuni reieluuni, seejärel sääreluuni, ülalõualuuni, kuni tardus kuklaluuni. Jah, nende luused palved on üdis ja kuulda võetud... Värisevad kopsud sillerdava vee all veel puhkavad. Tundub, et astusin kamasse.
wigs Madlen Hirtentreu / costumes Kirke Talu

Kanuti Gildi SAAL, 2022
70min / premiere 26.04.2022
sound design Karl Saks / light design Priidu Adlas
sound § light technician Hendrik Kaljujärv
'Traps' incorporates a series of infinite gestures, resulting in a wet space where texts, bodies, concepts, and configurations are arranged and collide.
Children are called dreamers, often giving wings to all that is invisible or already known or fixed. They provoke ambiguity and make friends easily with the unknown. The unknown is always looking for forms, through unconscious actions and behaviors. In addition, the unknown can sometimes make itself visible to the child. Gradually aging in the playgrounds, I notice that the "real" is only the result of a collective contract and based on territory. Identity then becomes a construct as a result, but it is a threshold - a bit of the unknown and the familiar, and something reproducible. Like a glimpse of recognition and absurdity between fiction and reality, constantly creating us with the content of different fictions.There are no clear boundaries within the parameters established in reality. Thanks to this insight, the boundary between fiction and reality disappears. The blurring of this boundary stems from my deeper understanding of what might be the engagement between humans and the environment. Inclusivity. There are wild animals, people and forms of life in the world for which our system lacks any flow of information. Yet the world offers a far more communicative reality and ways of movement with interaction than we ever know or think.
I remember playing with other children in kindergarten and not needing to negotiate in words or know what game was played, in order to interact on the playground. The collective endeavor and togetherness alone provided enough playful and respectful atmosphere. In doing so, all the activities seemed to be self-evident to everyone. Rules, boundaries and common understanding settled down during the play, and the playground became an endless inventor of the universes, constantly searching for new levels, attitudes and games.
EKA Gallery, 2021
140min exhibition performance / 25-29.11.2021
performers Iris Lillemägi, Sveta Grigorjeva, Johhan Rosenberg, Bosa Mina and Laima Jaunzema. Sound design Mihkel Kleis / gallerist Pire Sova
The age-old phantom Kõdu is living in all organisms while decomposing them from the inside. The constant resistance with apparent subjugation will end with the inevitable surrender.
The performance takes over the gallery space with an installation that changes over time. Johhan works together with the participants based on their artistic practice. Through sensing the body movements the utterer and the uttering become one while provoking the obscure new creatures are brought to life.

Lether Squeaking Softly
KONSUM, 2022 - Uue Loomingu Maja
30min / premiere 18.06.2022
collaboration with Mihkel Kleis
Performance for Ratkiller's album presentation >
HOTLIPS - Alien Eggs
T1 Mall, 2022
35min / premiere 3.11.2022
collaboration with Jette Loona Hermanis
Performance @ HOTLIPS shop Grande Opening @T1Mall, Tallinn

coca babez
30min / 25-30.06
Eesti Tantsuagentuur, Meriküla
court rat’
KONSUM, 2021 - Uue Loomingu Maja
25min / premiere 1.07
performance for Ratkiller album presentation
collaboration with Mihkel Kleis

Kanuti Gildi SAAL, 2021
110min / premiere 1.02.2021
collaboration with Jette-Loona Hermanis
performers Johhan Rosenberg, Jette Loona Hermanis, Eden Olev, Anne Türnpu / Andoni Zamora Txakartegi. Light design Mikk-Mait Kivi and Sasha Mirson /
Set design: Matīss Rucko / Costumes Angela Pilliroog / Grimm Martina Gofman
“Eden Detail” is a performative fable, which melts the aged with the catastrophic following. Through the forest ghosts, witches and chants everything becomes converted to nowadays rust. Our good-old Linda was born with tattoos on her flesh. And Kalev who’s a flasher is looping with eggs. Moths on high-heels stomping the wheat as mushroom trips make the slavering beat.
SNDO Graduation work, 2020
50min / premiere 2.07 @Dansmakers, Amsterdam
concept, set design and performance by Johhan Rosenberg
Light design by Martin Kaffarnik and Paulina Prokop
Advise and support by Ana Vujanovic and Laima Jaunzema
Music by Helgi Sallo, Andreas Aalberg Tegnander, Johhan Rosenberg

Remote Seasons
35min / 2-4.10.2020, Studio dB, Berlin
collaboration with Peter Kirn
The project is produced collaboratively between Vladivostok and Berlin, by curators Peter Kirn of Create Digital Media GmbH, Berlin (and media partner CDM.link)
ZIL, Moscow + SDVIG, St.Petersburg, 2019
45min / 18+20 @Zil, Moscow + 9.12 @SDVIG, St.Petersburg
performance by Johhan Rosenberg
ZIL curated by Анастасия Хлынова
Support by Лаймa Яунземы, Антони Муриги и SDVIG
The notion of freedom revolves around body, language and spectator. The main character is in a state of dissonance. Xe analyzes, looking for this place in reality, trying to find a point of freedom and creativity. The work of the choreographer seeks a balance between the intuitive and the situational, dissecting the body of dance.

Veem House for Performance, 2019
35min / premiere 19.04
performance by Johhan Rosenberg in collaboration with MTD2
Performed by Catarina Araújo de Paiva Rodrigues, Beom Soo Kim and Fons Dhossche
Light design by Katinka Marac / Soundscape by Johhan Rosenberg
Advised by Sigrid Stigsdatter Mathiassen and Ria Higler
Amsterdam 2019
SNDO 3 Festival Henotic
40min / 29-30.11/+1/12/2018
work by Carolina Papetti and Johhan Rosenberg
performance by Nazar Rakhmanov, Carolina Papetti and Johhan Rosenberg. Support and advice Rodrigo Sobarzo and Antonia Steffens. Photos by Nellie de Boer

SNDO2 Festival Henotic, 2018
30min / premiere 24.04
performance by Kobi Swiss, Winter Wieringa, Johhan Rosenberg
light design by Mina Tomic and Keerthi Basavaraijah
advised by Bruno Listopad and Michele Rizzo
Academy of Theatre and Dance, Amsterdam
SNDO 1 Festival H E N O T I C, 2017
10min / premiere 22.06
installation and choreography by Johhan Rosenberg
performance by Mami Kang and Johhan Rosenberg
Academie voor Theater en Dans, Jodenbreestraat 3 - SNDO1
support by Bruno Listopad, Laima Jaunzema and Ria Higler