November - Venice, Italy - Venice Architecture Biennale - Estonian Pavilion architects b12 + Liisa Saaremäel § Keithy Kuusup - kodupeatus
October - Reykjavik, Icleand - Sequence Festival - traps
June - Helsinki, Teatteri Takomo - Baltic Takeover Festival - traps
May - Tallin, Elekton.studio - Kõheduse Festival
- Something Great - Elektron
- Year Without A Summer: Spring - Mikk Mait Kivi & Emer Värk
4+5.05 - Tartu, Tartu Uus Teater - Ümberlülitus Festival - traps
21.04 - Tallinn, secret location - performance with Jette-Loona Hermanis
7.04 - London, Lewisham Arthouse - performance with Netti Nüganen - for exhibition 'There is nothing new under the sun' curated by Liina Leo
26.01 - Tallinn, Elektron.studio - by Ruslan Stepanov and Liisbeth Horn - metaeeter#1
with Kaja Kann, Annika Üprus,
26.11 - Ruila, Tervisepäev - performance with Gregor Nikolai Kulla
25.11 - Tallinn, secret location - performance with Jette-Loona Hermanis
16-19.11 - Helsinki - Baltic Takeover
9.11 - Tallinn, Kanuti Gildi SAAL - Elektron.studio - Something Great
3.11 - Tallinn, T1 kaubamaja - HOTLIPS - performance with Jette-Loona Hermnais
17-21.10 - Vilajndi, TÜVKA 2.kursuse lavastajad ja koreograafid - workshop
13-15.10 - Tallinn, Kanuti Gildi SAAL - Netti Nüganen - MÜÜT: päeva äärel
8.10 - Tampere, Finland - Eden Detail
29.09 + 1,4,5.10 - Tallinn, Von Krahl - Mikk Mait Kivi & Emer Värk - Year Without A Summer: Autumn
12,13,14.09 - Tallinn, Kanuti Gildi Pühavaimu SAAL - traps
8+9.09 - Tartu, Genialistide Klubi - DRAAMA 2022 Festival - Eden Detail
5.09 - Tallinn, Kanuti Gildi Pühavaimu SAAL - Draamamaa festival - traps
6-9.07 - Rakvere, Baltoscandal Festival - Baltic Takeover
25-26.06 - Meriküla, ETA INTENSIIV - workshop
18.06 - Tallinn, ULM - The live presentation of "Leather Squeaking Softly" - Ratkiller + Johhan Rosenberg - KONSUM
5.06 - Maardu Dekennaal - with Jette Loona Hermanis - ._XNUNX_
1-4.06 - Riga, Baltic Takeover
31.05 - Tallinn, ELEKTRON - Mikk Mait Kivi & Emer Värk - Year Without A Summer: Spring
23,24,25.05 - Tallinn, Kanuti Gildi SAAL - Netti Nüganen - MÜÜT: päeva äärel
21.05 - Amsterdam, Arti e Academia - FLAM Festival - traps
18-19.05 - Tallinn, Kanuti Gildi SAAL - Baltic Dance Platform - Eden Detail
14,15.05 - Tallinn, Kanuti Gildi SAAL - Netti Nüganen - MÜÜT: päeva äärel
26,29.04 + 2,3,5,6.05 - Tallinn, Kanuti Gildi Pühavaimu SAAL - traps - PREMIERE -
14-16.04 - Vilnius, Baltic Takeover
12.03 - Tallinn, Kanuti Gildi SAAL - ETA Loomelabor - 'Dust Seekers'
10-12.03 - Amsterdam, Frascati Theatre - Nazar Rakhmanov - Nadezhda and the rawness of midnight air
11.02 - Amsterdam, De Vlugt - Bosa Mina - smrt
8.01 - Tallinn, Eesti Tantsuagentuur INTENSIIV - workshop
18.12 - Tallinn, Elektron stuudio - 'knock knock, who's in the basement?' - KAUSAAL curated by Heneliis Notton and Bohdana Korohod
4-5/12 - Tallinn, ETA Loomelabor 'Dust Seekers' - workshop
25-28/11 - Tallinn, EKA Galerii - 'KÕDU' - PREMIERE -
20/10 - Tallinn, photoshoot with Alissa Snaider for Claudia Lepik jelwey
25-26/09 - Tallinn - TantsuruuM workshop - Eden Labor
23/09 - Tallinn - ETA Kompanii Loomelabor - workshop
11-12/09 - Dortmund, Belgium - Tender Man - Koen De Preter
9-10/09 - Riga - film installation, At the Mall - Ginta Tinte
5-6/09 - Riga, HomoNovus Festival - Bee Matter - Iveta Pole
28/08 - Riga, Curving the Dance Opening - anti-poetry slamUP 'LARVA' curated by Laima Jaunzema
19,21,26/08 - Tallinn, Kanuti Gildi Saal - RESKRIPT curated by Maarin Mürk and Henry Hütt
15/08 - Tallinn - Sõltumatu Tantsu Lava - happening performance - Battlejämm '21 kohtunik
12-14/08 - Tallinn, Kanuti Gildi Saal - SAAL BIENNAAL 2021 - Eden Detail
30/07 - Tallinn, ULM - RuuM Kultuuriklubi I: curated by Anatoli Tafitšuk and Emer Värk
20,27/07 - Rapla, Maidla Mõis - Eden Detail
9-11/07 - Amsterdam, Julidans - Tender Man - Koen De Preter
1/07 Tallinn, ULM - Ratkiller - with Mihkel Kleis
25-30/06 - Meriküla Õppe-ja Spordikeskus - ETA INTENSIIV Coca labor presents - ´babez´
13-17/06 - Tallinn, Kanuti Gildi Saal - Bee Matter - Iveta Pole
17-21/05 - Amsterdam, FLAM FESTIVAL - T.R.A.P.S. /CANCELED
24/04 - Viljandi, TÜ Black Box - Eden Detail /CANCELED
4/04 - Tallinn, EKA Galerii - T.R.A.P.S. /CANCELED
24/03 - CC Burgers / 31/03 - Tilburg, De Nieuwe Vorst / 1/04 Rotterdam / - tender man - Koen De Preter /CANCELED
23/02 - 19.04 - Mexico
9/02 - CC Geel / 10/02 - Wetteren, Belgium- tender man - Koen De Preter /CANCELED
1,3,4,6,7/02 - Tallinn, Kanuti Gildi Saal - Eden Detail - in collaboration with Jette Loona Hermanis - PREMIERE -
22/10 - Utrecht, What You See festival - tender man - Koen De Preter
20.21/10 - Leuven, STUK - tender man - Koen De Preter
/ 23/10 - Antwerp, CcBerchem / 24/10 - Koksijde, CC Casino / 26/10 - Hasselt, CC deDoos / 27/10 - Genk, C-Mine / 28/10 - De Warande, Turnhout / - Tender Man Belgium tour -
3/10 - Berlin, Studio b - RE-EMBODIMENT - with Peter Kirn
1/10 - The Hague - IT'S FESTIVAL - T.R.A.P.S.
1-2/07 - Dansmakers, Amsterdam - T.R.A.P.S. documentation - SNDO Graduation work -
01-5/07 - Berlin, Uferstudios - T.R.A.P.S. /CANCELED
1-14/06 - Amsterdam, Frascati - festival Henotic Grande Finale /SNDO Graduation Festival /CANCELED
8-14/06 - Amsterdam, Arti et Amicitiae - FLAM FESTIVAL 2020 /CANCELED
- T.R.A.P.S.
- The Fountain - Fernando Belfiore -
24-25/04 - Berlin - Yet there are moments when the walls of the mind grow thin - Reza Mirabi /CANCELED
12-14, 19-21, 26-28/03 Amsterdam, Frascati, Dansmakers- festival Henotic Finale / CANCELED
-19-21/03 - T.R.A.P.S. - PREMIERE - @Frascati Theatre, Amsterdam -
7-8/02 - Amsterdam, IDLab - Yet there are moments when the walls of the mind grow thin - Reza Mirabi
21/12 - Tallinn, Kauplus Aasia - Honeycombat: Swan Meat, m.m.rty, Pire Sova, Jette Loona Hermanis
16+18/11 - Moscow, ZIL - Заброшенная танцбольница - PREMIERE -
9/11 - St.Petersburg, SDVIG - solo tanzconcerts - Заброшенная танцбольница
14-27/10 - ZIL residency - @Moscow
1/10 - Amsterdam, NL - Dutch Film Festival, the premiere of 'Alexander Mooi'
26/09 - Moscow - golden 3 sisters - with Laima Jaunzema § Maciek Sado 'gardeners of souls' - workshop
3/09-17/12 - Russia
8-9/09 - Berlin, Uferstudios - 3 poetical circumstances - Stina Fors
10-11/08 - Gröningen, Whynot Festival - The Fountain - Fernando Belfiore
7/08 - Tallinn, Coca-Cola Plaza - nublu x gameboy tetris - für Oksana video premiere
3,5-6,12/07 - Amsterdam, Julidans - The Fountain - Fernando Belfiore
17-23/06 | Centre National de la Danse (CND) CAMPING'19 - workshop @Paris, France
8,15/06 - Amsterdam, ISO - 3 poetical circumstances - Stina Fors
24-25/03 Den Bosch, Festival Cement - The City - Andreas Hannes
16-17,19-20/04 - Amsterdam, Veem House for Performance - Henotic meets with MTD2
-19-20/04 - sprints for seeds - PREMIERE -
12-14/04 - Paris, Palais de Tokyo - PURPOSE - Reza Mirabi
10-15/02 - France, PAF - Collaboration with Sandberg MA Studio for Immediate Spaces
26/01 - Amsterdam, Frascati - The Fountain - Fernando Belfiore